Report a Violation

About our company

Report a violation

    Dear client,
    Thank you for choosing the services of OCN "Invest-Credit" SRL.
    At the same time, we appreciate your point of view and we assure you that the feedback received from our clients is very important for improving the quality of our services.
    If, in your relationship with OCN "Invest-Credit" SRL, there has been a situation that has caused you dissatisfaction, or you have a suggestion, we assure you that we will take your message and we will do our best to correct the deficiencies that you report.
    The authorized consumer protection authority is the Agency for Consumer Protection and Market Supervision, mun. Chișinău, str. Vasile Alecsandri, 78, tel: 022 51 51 51 51.

    The messages are processed and analyzed in accordance with confidentiality requirements.
    OCN,,Invest-Credit,,SRL will consider for analysis the submissions/suggestions that are filled out correctly, contain all necessary information and have appropriate language. Also, we reserve the right not to respond to complaints without Name, Surname and Contact Details of the author.
    I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the privacy policy.
    If you do not want your data to be processed by Invest Credit, please avoid filling in the contact form above.

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